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Law No. 225-01 on derogations from various provisions

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In the Name of the Republic

LAW No.22501

WHEREAS: The diversity of laws that currently make up our system
Tax constitute an imposition obsolete scheme, which prevents a performance
transparent and efficient by public servants against the interest of offering a service
highest quality to taxpayers;
CONSIDERING that becomes an obstacle for both the taxpayer and the
State, maintaining laws, whose contributions in terms of collection not
outweigh the discomfort they cause;
WHEREAS: The country is undergoing a process of modernization and simplification of
tax system, which is running the Dominican Government;
UNICO ARTICLE: From the publication of this Act are repealed
following provisions:
a) Law No. 946, dated July 13, 1945, on cumulative sales and
Regulation No.4305, of April 30, 1947;
b) The Law No. 3705 of December 19, 1953, which regulates the recovery of claims in favor
State by way of cadastral surveying;
c) Articles 2 and 3 of Law 136 of 23 June 1983 amending Article 4 of
Law 142 of June 4, 1971, with regard to the seals that must adhere to the
written conclusions deposited in court on divorce;
d) Law 169, of June 4, 1971, which provides adhesion of a special stamp
internal taxes amounting to RD $ 1.00, to import manifesto that includes
consular invoice in which the value of the declared goods exceed
RD $ 100.00;
e) Law 137 of September 9, 1970, on Consular Rights;
f) Articles 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Law 447 of April 7, 1982, which created two franchises
for playing winter baseball and established a tax of RD $ 0.25 and RD $ 0.10
on tickets sold and amendments thereto;
g) Article 51de Law 1494 of 2 August 1947, which created a tax of RD $ 0.10
for each page of the documents deposited with the Administrative Court;
h) Article 182 of Law 1192, dated May 16, 1992, which created the Code
Tax, which provides for the payment of a tax by a stamp of RD $ 1.00 to
each page of the documents submitted by individuals to the Dispute Tribunal
i) Law 13787, of December 9, 1987, levied every 10 thousand packs
RD $ 50.00 cigarettes and per thousand packs of 20 cigarettes, RD $ 100.00;
j) The literal e) of Article 1 of Law 3988, of 26 May 1988, which establishes a
RD $ 0.05 tax per liter of gin, whiskey, beer and every pack of
20 cigarettes snuff blond.
GIVEN in the Hall of Sessions of the House of Representatives, the National Congress Palace,
capital of the Dominican Republic, on the twentieth day of March in the year two thousand and one,
158 of Independence and 138 of the Restoration.
Maximo Castro Silverio,
Acting vice president.
Manuel Odalis Mejia Arias, Rafael Angel Troncoso Franjul
Secretary AdHoc. Secretary.
GIVEN in the Hall of Sessions of the Senate, National Congress, in Santo
Dominican Guzman, National District, Capital of the Dominican Republic, twelve
(12) days of the month of June in the year two thousand and one (2001) 158 years of Independence and 138
Ramon Alburquerque, President
Dagoberto Rodriguez Adames, P. DINOCRATE ANGEL PEREZ
Secretary AdHoc. Secretary AdHoc.
In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Article 55 of the Constitution of the
ENACT this Law and order that it be published in the Official Gazette for
knowledge and compliance.
GIVEN in Santo Domingo de Guzman, National District, Capital of the Dominican Republic, the thirty-one (31) days of December, in the year two thousand and one (2001), 158 years
Independence and 139 of the Restoration.


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